Heather Keew Art

Fill your life with art that brings you joy and peace


The Beautiful Messy Creative Process

Botanical Paintings, SpringHeather KeewComment

I love painting flowers and plants! But the creative process is not just the painting. Here’s a peek into a bit of the process to get there. This is the phase I’m in now: Sketching, filming (for you!), and painting. Before that is a lifestyle of photographing beautiful plants and drawing everyday. I have a strong desire to paint form my own photos. It adds to my connection and depth of meaning to the painting. I remember where I was and how I felt when I saw those plants. This somehow translates to the final magic of the piece.

Click the image to watch my process video below!

My goal in taking you behind the scenes is for you to enjoy a richer experience of the artwork similar to me when I  touch the plant, angle my camera up towards the light, and include the other stages of plant growth and development.

The lingering observation of something beautiful is the soul of art. 

Spring is here to delight us.

Botanical Paintings, SpringHeather KeewComment

The land seems fresh with bird twitters, new buds, and wet earth. I’m so thankful for spring. Out of any of the other seasons, it seems the most welcome after the grey of winter. I love the analogies it points to as well with our lives. Though we may be in winter, spring is coming. It is sure to come, on this earth or the next. In the pain of this world, He gives glimpses of relief and moments of rest and delight to revive us and remind us of our hope. 
